Customer Feedback Form

By the force of our ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction and  Complaints System Certificate, ‘’Unconditional Customer Satisfaction’’ and ‘’Customer Centeredness’’ constitute the basis of our Customer Satisfaction Policy.

Our customers convey their requests, suggestions and complaints  through the form given below whenever they desire.

As soon as the applications reach to us, they immediately get recorded and the interlocutors are informed as their applications are received. Subsequently, the demands are evaluated and the result and solution suggestions are shared with the all respondents.

The Customer Feedback Management System starts with the record of feedback and ends with customer satisfaction purpose.

Our main aim is to improve our working process by the direction of any kind of opinion, request, suggestion and complaints, building long-termed and long-running relationships based on reciprocal confidence with our customers in order to gain the admiration, praise and trust of dear customer of ours.

Karaca Customs Consultancy pledges that it will use all kind of feedbacks  just to execute and improve its own processes effectively, keep those informations hidden and will not share with the third person as long as legal imperativeness requires.

Customer Feedback Form

Note: Fields marked with * are mandatory.